

As a not for profit charity, donations are vital to the future of OMT and Oncology Massage in Australia. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated.


Bank Transfer:

ANZ bank details

Account Name: Oncology Massage Training Limited
Bank: ANZ Bank
BSB: 013017
Account Number: 660234734


Made out to Oncology Massage Training Ltd. Contact for postal address.


Deposited in our ANZ Bank Account or contact for delivery address on the Sunshine Coast, QLD.

Please advise your surname and postal address or email address so we can post and/or email a receipt to you
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Thank you for your generosity!

How will we use your donations?

How will we use your donations?

  • Raise awareness of the benefits of Oncology Massage within communities
  • Subsidise courses in regional areas that would otherwise run at a loss
  • Support prospective students in regional areas who would otherwise be unable to enrol

Respected integration of Oncology Massage into cancer services in Australia is coming and we are the professional community to walk the path with compassion for all.

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